Navigate Work and Kids With More Ease and Presence

Dec 21, 2022

Struggling to juggle the demands of work and kids? Are your kids sick at home more than usual these days? Feel constantly torn between excelling in your work and being there for your family?

You're not alone! 

In this video, I keep it real with my own challenges, sharing why it's so darn stressful to juggle work and kids, and how to navigate it with more ease and presence. 

1. Expect that it will be messy - this is normal

2. Stop trying to do it all and instead get closer to the "bullseye" (I explain what I mean)

3. Know what really matters -- at work, with your family, and in your life -- to guide your daily choices (sometimes can be minute-by-minute choices)

4. Give yourself permission to say 'no' to what matters less

5. Keep boundaries between your work and personal time -- you still need to take care of yourself

6. Be present where you are 

7. Let go of the guilt AND also pay attention to what the guilt is telling you

8. Be intentional in how you are showing up

9. Get the...

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An Extraordinary Life Comes From Getting The Small, Ordinary Moments Right

Dec 12, 2022

I used to think it was the career, the house and the vacations that made life bigger and better. And they do on a level – more experience, joy and meaning.

But what I’ve learned is that getting the small, everyday moments right is what really makes life bigger and better.

When your kid comes in the room to show you their new favorite TikTok and you stop everything to listen and be present with them.

When a team member comes to you with a concern and show you genuinely care, taking the time to listen and help.

When you’re feeling tired and give yourself permission to take it easy, saying no to something you don’t want to do.

When you listen to that inner nudge that tells you to speak up, trusting your intuition more.

When you hold the door open for someone at the grocery store and do something kind.

When you’re out walking your dog and notice the beauty of nature around you.

When you're feeling frustrated with your kids and you take a deep breath before...

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Communicate Your Boundaries More Effectively

Dec 05, 2022

Have you had that moment when you're determined to finally put a boundary in place with your time?

You decide you are going to end work by 5 pm. Or put some buffer time in between meetings. Or add a time block to focus on getting your own work done during the work day.

And THEN the worries creep in!

What will people think? Am I letting my team down by not being there for them when they need me? What if people think I’m being selfish?

We let our fear about what others think become a reason to not follow through, but the truth is that people will judge you no matter what you do.

They might think you’re being selfish or not a team player. They might get upset by you protecting your time. They might also judge you for not speaking up about what you need.

What other people think and do is outside of your control.

What is within your control is your ability to communicate your needs in a way that keeps the relationship strong or at least delivered in a way you can feel good...

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Prioritize Your Time In A Simple Way

Nov 25, 2022

Do you dream about . . .

· breathing space in your calendar and not being in back-to-back meetings?
· time to focus on your own work during the day?
· feeling on top of things at work and at home (and not feeling guilty about saying no)?

I get it! These are the very things I used to dream about (and still come up at times) -- to simply feel in control of my day.

It's challenging to figure out where to focus your time and attention when you have so many competing demands coming at you.

But when everything feels urgent and important, everything seems equal.

The thing is, everything is NOT equal!

You are active and busy, but this alone doesn’t move you any closer to your goals or who you want to be as a leader. And it's stressful!

So, while it’s tempting to *try* to do everything, it’s a way more effective and sane approach to focus your time and attention.

Get to the heart of things that matter. Be clear on your real priorities at work and at home....

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Letting Go Of The Inner Critic To Get Back Your Confidence and Time

Nov 18, 2022

Too many leaders let their inner critic lead the way.

The voice in their head that points out everything that’s wrong with them, focuses on every mistake and confirms that they’re not good enough.

The one who constantly worries about what people think of them.

The one who says what they want is not available to them.

As a result, people are constantly overthinking and doubting themselves. Or when the worry gets to be too much, they end up not taking action on what really matters.

Why pay attention?

Anytime you are doing something new and out of your comfort zone, you will likely second guess yourself, and the imposter syndrome will seep in.

All the fears, worries and doubts can stop you cold in your tracks.

But -- when you can turn down the volume on your inner critic and what everyone else expects of you, and make your choices in deeper alignment with your values, priorities and intuition within you -- those fears and worries won’t matter.

So the real...

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Keeping Strong Boundaries With Your Time

Nov 03, 2022

As I support many of my clients in creating stronger boundaries to protect their time and energy, I am reminded of just how far I've come myself in this area!

A few years ago, I used to work most evenings and weekends. I rarely said no (and was scared to do it). I constantly worried about what people would think of me if I didn't "get it all done". And, when I wasn't working, I was thinking about it.

I believed that to be successful, the only feasible option was to work harder (and longer) because of the sheer amount of demands and high expectations.

Keeping up with it all left me with little energy and presence for my family or personal time at the end of the day. I told everyone I was "fine" (my old and unhelpful favorite saying!) but on the inside, I felt like I was barely keeping it together.

And, at the time, I didn’t understand the impact and I certainly didn’t realize I had a choice.

My tendency to overwork, lack of presence, and regular grumpiness at home because...

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Are You At The End Of Yet Another Long Work Day, Feeling Exhausted?

Nov 02, 2022

Are you at the end of yet another 10 to 12-hour work day, feeling exhausted and realizing you haven't even taken a moment for yourself?

You know this pace isn't sustainable, but you don't know what you could possibly take off your plate or how you can get out of survival mode.

People assume that you must put in the long hours to be successful or to keep up with it all, but the truth is that you simply cannot be the best leader (or parent or partner) you can be when you're feeling exhausted and overwhelmed each day.

Even if you are recognized for performing at a high level, I guarantee you are not operating at your highest potential and you will eventually hit a wall.

(We all hit a wall at some point).

Here's the thing. You have a choice. You can continue to "succeed" like everyone else who is spread thin and exhausted, or you can decide enough is enough and find a different way to be successful. One with more focus, joy and presence.

To work less and contribute in a deeper way. To...

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Why Time Management Isn't Going To Save You (And Where To Start Instead)

Oct 27, 2022

Let’s face it, you’re spread thin.

Don’t get me wrong – you’re a powerhouse. You’re so freaking capable, you get things done and get them done really, REALLY well.

But you’re also likely feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and tired of being pulled in so many directions between work and home.

A lack of boundaries is keeping you spread thin and preventing you from being the best leader you can be.

One who has the courage to focus on what’s important – not just what’s urgent. To move your goals forward, say no more and empower your team to step up. To model how you can make well-being and personal time a priority, and still do great work.

Why is a lack of boundaries an issue?

You are likely facing overwhelming pressure every single day.

People are emailing you at all hours, stealing your time and attention. You are continually asked to do more with less. You have a hard time saying "no" because you don't want to let anyone down.


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When Everything Seems To Be Going Wrong!

Oct 20, 2022

You ever have one of those weeks where so many things seem to be going wrong? You are like, WTF is happening?

You end up feeling more stressed out, more frustrated, and even further behind!

Well, for me, the past four weeks have seemed like one thing after another.

A death in the family, a project falling through, Covid, septic problems at the cabin, a serious issue with a kid at school, and more.

But what is SO different for me now versus a few years ago is that I can navigate the ups and downs with far more ease, calm, and presence . . . and even joy.

And, keeping it real, what's not going as well for me is that I'm not as productive as I would like to be, but I have learned how to handle that better too.

This change didn't happen overnight. To be able to better navigate the curveballs that life will inevitably throw . . .

It comes with learning how to live and lead with your values.

It comes with honoring your boundaries to protect your time and energy.

It comes with focusing on...

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The Real Great Resignation

Sep 09, 2022

You have likely said to yourself at some point "enough is enough!"

You want to feel happier, be present and enjoy your family and personal time, and still do great work.

But that feels impossible with the sheer volume of demands, emails, and expectations coming at you every single day.

It’s. Too. Much.

How many times a day do you say or think those words? Or that you are “fine” (when you really aren’t)?

And if you’re anything like my clients, you’re probably constantly in your head about work and saying words like “I’m too busy” or “I don’t have time” all too often at home.

Especially to your kids. Feeling guilty about the message that it sends them about your priorities and lack of presence.

Listen, I get it. It IS a real challenge to juggle it all.

Especially, over the past couple of years, there’s an increase in the sheer volume of everything you have to deal with - and even in areas where you’re...

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